Monday, October 19, 2009

So over the last couple of days we have been to Atlanta, Auburn, AL, Auburn, GA, and Helen. I am exhausted! We hung out with my grandma in Atlanta Friday night and headed down to Auburn for the game on Saturday. We tailgated in the freezing cold and loved every minute of it. The only bad part was losing to Kentucky...I'm still speechless! We headed to Helen, GA early Sunday morning and celebrated Oktoberfest with the fam. As we were enjoying the festivities, I got a phone call from Jason, only Jason was sitting right beside me so I was really freaked out. I answered the phone and heard a woman on the other end. She said that her husband had found this phone in the parking lot and didn't know what to do with it so she started calling people in the phone to see who it belonged to. She was already an hour and a half away from Helen but she said her husband would bring it to us on Monday. I couldn't believe how nice and honest this person was! Well anyway...she ended up bringing it to us before we left today. Jason and I tried to give her money for all of her trouble, but she refused it. This is just an example of how someones kindness and unselfishness can help you restore your faith in people. I am so grateful to her!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Jason and I at Eddy Teaches

Erin and Jennifer at Eddy Teaches

The fam

Eating dinner at Boss Oyster...yum!

Robyn and I

All the girls at Robyn's Bachelorette party

Lily and her new doll Ruthie

Baby precious!

Tucker at his birthday party

Some of Alisha'a goodies

Me, Casey, Alisha, and Lacey at the baby shower

So I haven't been blogging at all this summer even though it's been a pretty busy summer. Here is a quick recap:
The summer started off with Alisha'a baby shower. Everything went well and she was loaded down with all of the baby necessities and then some. After Alisha'a shower, I headed down to Grayton Beach with the Radtkes. They are the absolute cutest kids! They just turned five and have a new baby brother named Charlie. All of the food was amazing and I had a blast! I was sad to leave the beach but I had to get back for Robyn's wedding. I went to Nashville to help celebrate Robyn and Tracy's wedding. It was fabulous and Robyn made the most beautiful bride. I am so happy for the two of them. After I got back from Nashville, I had my favorite houseguest come and visit...Sarah. Sarah is my 8 year old cousin and clone. We shopped and shopped and shopped some more. I have a hard time saying no to her. We also went rafting on the Hiawassee. Jason and I took Sarah back to Atlanta Father's day weekend and stayed a few days with my grandparents. Jason helped them do some much needed yard work and the temperature was only about 95 degrees! It was blazing!
When I got back from Atlanta I decided to relax and do absolutely was great. We celebrated the 4th of July down in Birmingham with Jason's family and hung out with our good B'ham friends. We left for St. George Island on July 11 and stayed for a week. It was so relaxing that I didn't want to come back. We ate wonderful seafood and celebrated Jason's 26th birthday. I was sad to return home because I knew school was about to start and summer was winding down.
On a side note...while I was at the beach 2 of our best friends got engaged so Jason and I are so happy for them. Congratulations Michael and Mandy!
I have been working in my classroom for the last 2 days and plan on working all week. I am going down to Birmingham on Sunday because Alisha is being induced on Monday. Yay!!! I can't wait to meet baby Gabriel! I am so excited for Alisha and Cole. I hope everything goes well!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's Almost Summer

It's almost summer, but I feel like it will never get here. There are 8 more days of school left and it seems like an eternity! I am trying to get all of the last minute details in order...DIBELS, Rigby PM, checklists and all of the many forms. I have a busy summer ahead of me. Alisha is having a baby shower down in B'ham which I'm helping to host...I'm going to the beach with my favorite twins and their new little brother the end of recital June 6...Robyn's wedding June 13...beach with Mike and Mandy June from France flying in mid July...and baby Gabriel should be here in August. That's the end of summer, which I don't even want to think about. School starts so early now!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Update on our lives...

It has been quite a while since I've blogged and a lot of life changes have happened. First of all...we sold our house. Yay! It was on the market for about 7 months and someone made an offer in February and we closed on Monday. Second of all...Jason has moved back up to Chattanooga, which I am thrilled about! We decided that Birmingham is not the place for us right now. My family is in Chattanooga, and I've made a lot of good friends here...not to mention...I have a job here and am months away from tenure...hopefully. We still went through with the sell of our house even though we are not moving to B'ham. We are living with my parents while we get back on our feet. Jason is starting his own business, which is completely scary and exciting all at the same time. We are taking a huge leap of faith. He is starting is own landscaping company. Landscaping has always been a passion of his, and he has always had this idea in the back of his mind. He was laid off from Regions a year ago and life has been a roller coaster ever since. Although he has applied for jobs in Chattanooga for a year, nothing solid has come up. We decided it was time to do something about it ourselves. So although things have been nothing short of crazy, we have faith in God that everything is going to settle down soon. I am praying that everything works out for us.
On a not so happy grandpa Schilling is not doing well at all. He stopped eating about a week or two ago and has had really bad seizures. He had a stroke back in August, and although he somewhat recovered, he has been bed ridden ever since. I worry so much about my grandmother dealing with the stress of all of this. Please pray for my family.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So I went out with my best friends last night and had a great time! We went to dinner at Jacksons and then went out for drinks at the Blue Monkey. It was a late night...Jason and I didn't get home until 11:00! That is late for us. I miss hanging out with my B'ham friends, but it is always so much fun catching up. I'll try to post pics when I get back to Chattanooga.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


So Jason and I have had a long distance marriage for almost 5 months and it is getting ridiculous. I'm not going to rant and rave about it...I am trying to have a more positive outlook on life. I know God has a plan for us and that this is only a test. On a more positive note...I am going to be an Aunt! My best friend Alisha is pregnant and I could not be more thrilled! My official name is Aunt Lala, but if the L's are too much I will settle for Aunt La. I think it's a boy, but there is a 50% chance that I may be wrong so we'll see...